Ayurveda is the traditional Indian System of Medicine having different treatment modalities to treat several types of patients. Externally, massage therapy, steam therapy and many such therapies are used by the Ayurvedic doctors in routine practice. In Indian set-up Ayurvedic clinics have Panchkarma and Therapy facility attached where patients are enrolled for several therapists as day-care or Ayurvedic hospitals have similar facilities for admitted patients. In both cases, trained therapists are required by the doctors as well as hospitals. The therapist should be well versed with all the practical aspects of these therapies and are working under the guidance of Ayurvedic doctors. Apart from Ayurveda, therapies are also performed as private sessions or in spa and salon industry.
Who should do this course?
Online teaching- 40,000/-, offline hands-on training: at actuals
Ayurveda is the traditional Indian System of Medicine having different treatment modalities to treat several types of patients. Externally, massage therapy, steam therapy and many such therapies are used by the Ayurvedic doctors in routine practice. In Indian set-up Ayurvedic clinics have Panchkarma and Therapy facility attached where patients are enrolled for several therapists as day-care or Ayurvedic hospitals have similar facilities for admitted patients. In both cases, trained therapists are required by the doctors as well as hospitals. The therapist should be well versed with all the practical aspects of these therapies and are working under the guidance of Ayurvedic doctors. Apart from Ayurveda, therapies are also performed as private sessions or in spa and salon industry.
Who should do this course?
- Anybody who is interested in patient care or desire to work in Ayurvedic healthcare industry.
- Tenth or twelfth completed students who desire to earn for their livelihood
- Professional already working in healthcare industry and desire to develop additional skill
- Un-trained and un-certified therapists
- Aspiring for a life-long career as Therapist
- Online teaching and offline hands-on training
- Introduction to Ayurveda and several therapies
- Basic knowledge of each therapy
- Do’s and don’ts during the therapies
- Guidelines to develop skill as therapist
- Ayurvedic doctor
- Ayurvedic centres and hospitals
- Self- employment
- Spas and salons
Online teaching- 40,000/-, offline hands-on training: at actuals
- Certificate of training
- Skill development as a therapist guidance for recruitment
Ayurveda Therapist Training Online Course
Ayurveda Therapist Training Online Course
Eligibility – 10+2
Theory - 20 hours
8 days – 2 hours and 30 min daily
Lecture No | Topic |
Day 1 | Basic concept of Ayurveda, Instruments used for the procedures
Duration – 60 mins |
Panchakarma Room/ Therapy room, Qualities of Therapist
Duration – 60 mins |
Interactive session/ Question and answers
Duration – 30 mins |
Day 2 | BahyaSnehana/ Body Massage
Duration – 60 mins |
Swedana/ Sudation- Part 1 (Steam)
Duration – 60 mins |
Interactive session/ Question and answers
Duration – 30 mins |
Day 3 | Sthanika Basti- Katibasti, Nabhibasti, Hrudayabasti, Janubasti- Local oleation for
Lumber region, Umbilical region, Heart, Knee etc.
Duration – 60 mins |
Swedana/ Sudation- Part 1 (Steam)
Duration – 60 mins |
Interactive session/ Question and answers
Duration – 30 mins |
Day 4 | Kavala, Gandusha and Karnapurana etc./ Allied therapies for mouth and ear
Duration – 60 mins |
Mukhalepa, Udvartana and Skin care therapies
Duration – 60 mins |
Interactive session/ Question and answers
Duration – 30 mins |
Day 5 | Padabhyang and Foot and Hand care therapies
Duration – 60 mins |
Kesh kalpa and Hair care therapies
Duration – 60 mins |
Interactive session/ Question and answers
Duration – 30 mins |
Day 6 | Tarpana and Eye care therapies
Duration – 60 mins |
Introduction to Panchkarma
Duration – 60 mins |
Interactive session/ Question and answers
Duration – 30 mins |
Day 7 | Introduction to oils, medicines used in Panchakarma and Pathya/ Compatible food
Duration – 60 mins |
Do’s and dont’ s during and after the therapies
Duration – 60 mins |
Interactive session/ Question and answers
Duration – 30 mins |
Day 8 | Emergencies and their management in Ayurveda therapies
Duration – 60 mins |
Indication and contraindications during Ayurveda Therapies
Duration – 60 mins |
Interactive session/ Question and answers
Duration – 30 mins |
Practical: 24 hours (AFTER THEORY ONLY)
8 days: 3 hrs daily
Centre: Ayurvedgram, Baner, Pune.
Charges: At actuals
Practical | Topic |
Day 1 | BahyaSnehana/ Body Massage |
Day 2 | Swedana/ Sudation- Whole body and Patra Pottali swedana |
Day 3 | Sthanika Basti- Katibasti, Janubasti- Local oleation for Lumber region, Knee |
Day 4 | Nabhibasti, Hrudayabasti, Local oleation for Umbilical region, Heart/ Pinda Swedana/ Shali Shasktik |
Day 5 | Mastishkya- Shirobhyanga, Shirodhara, , Shirobasti/Different methods of Head Massage |
Day 6 | Shiropichu, Mukhalepa, Udvartana and Skin care therapies |
Day 7 | Kesh kalpa and Hair care therapies/ Kavala, Gandusha and Karnapurana etc./ Allied therapies for mouth and ear |
Day 8 | Tarpana and Eye care therapies and Padabhyang and Foot and Hand care therapies |