What is DegreePlus platform
Students while studying in college think that their success is determined only by their academic scores. However, this is not true in today’s fast changing environment where every business is being disrupted by new technologies. In such dynamic environment, though good academic qualification forms a strong base, you have to master many additional skills for getting a good job or starting your own business. For rewarding career, experts say that, you need to start mastering the 21st century new-age skills and keep on upgrading yourself continuously.
DegreePlus is an initiative from Savitribai Phule Pune University to hone the skills of its young graduates and make them ready for the future. ‘New Skills’ is the future currency in job market. With DegreePlus platform you can increase your worth by accessing plethora of skill courses from the best educators/industries in the world. And you can develop yourself while pursuing the academics.
Steps for Degree+ Registration

Complete the details and submit the registration form.

After eligibility verification, you will receive confirmation and payment link of Rs. 350/- on your registered email id.

After successful payment, you would get access to all the free learning resources.
To access the paid courses, you need to pay by accessing the training provider portal
through your DegreePlus login.
Be Ready for the Future !
- Industry prefers candidates who go beyond their academic learning and develop all-round personality.
- DegreePlus Program is designed to award you a credential that underlines your work towards achieving employability skills for success at workplace.
- It encompasses functional, technical, work-experience and behavioural skills which are in demand.
- Differentiate yourself with DegreePlus on top of your graduation degree!


Add more Value to Your college Degree!
- Strong Next Step to Bright Career
- Can be pursued with along with your graduation
- Wide range of global-recognized skills to choose from
- Special Focus on employability and workplace skills
- Demand for all-round personality from jobs/industry
- Certificate Endorses your NextGen employability skills
- Globally recognized curriculum and Certificates
- Aligned to National Education Policy 2020 - focus on education that results in gainful employment
Learn the latest in-demandEmployability Skills
We collaborate with
Cloud Architecture
Cloud development
Cloud Operations
Data Analytics
Cloud Architecture
Cloud development
Cloud Operations
Data Analytics
Acquire Certifications from World Leaders

You can earn globally-recognized credentials with world-class learning.

DegreePlus : Enhancing Employability
Take the next step towards your gainful job employment

DegreePlus : Career Booster
Choose from in-demand career tracks aligned to your graduation