C Programming Proficiency
29 hours, 22 minutes 33 seconds
This comprehensive program equips students with foundational and advanced skills in operating systems and C programming. Beginning with an exploration of operating system concepts such as process management, scheduling, synchronization, memory management, and I/O systems, learners gain essential insights into OS functionality. Concurrently, a structured journey through C programming builds proficiency, covering topics from basics like variables, arrays, and loops to advanced topics such as pointers, memory management, and file handling. Through hands-on labs, real-world examples, and a final exam, students solidify their understanding of OS principles and C programming.
What Students Will Learn
Introduction to Operating Systems Journey
- Course: OS Processes and Threads
- Course: Process Scheduling
- Course: Synchronization & Dead Lock
- Course: Memory Management
- Course: I/O Systems
C Programming Proficiency
- Course: Fundamentals of C Language: Getting Started
- Course: Fundamentals of C Language: Variables & Data Types
- Course: Fundamentals of C Language: Arrays, Accepting Inputs & Returning Output
- Course: Control Structures in C: Getting Started with Control Structures
- Course: Control Structures in C: Looping and Unconditional Control Structures
- Course: Functions and Memory in C: Getting Started with Functions
- Course: Functions and Memory in C: Using Variable Scopes, Storage Classes & Structs
- Course: Functions and Memory in C: Getting Started with Pointers
- Course: Functions and Memory in C: Leveraging Pointers with Arrays & Functions
- Course: Functions and Memory in C: Allocating Memory on the Heap
- Course: Advanced Topics in C: Getting Started with File Handling
- Course: Advanced Topics in C: Managing Code Compilations
- Course: Advanced Topics in C: Using Strings, Header Files & Typer Conversions
- Course: Final Exam: C Proficiency
- Lab: C Programming Proficiency
Develop a strong understanding of operating system processes, threads, scheduling, synchronization, and memory management.
Master foundational and advanced C programming skills, including pointers, dynamic memory, file handling, and professional coding practices.
Build problem-solving and logical thinking capabilities with structured programming techniques.
Apply knowledge through practical labs, preparing for real-world challenges in software development
and system programming.