About the University of Chicago:
The University of Chicago is a private research university in Chicago, Illinois. Founded in 1890, it ranks 10 in the latest QS World ranking Survey and is home to 92 Nobel Prize winners. For more than 125 years, UChicago has forged its own path and laid the groundwork for breakthroughs across the sciences, medicine, economics, law, business, history, culture, the arts, and humanistic inquiry. Notable personalities of UChicago include Dr. Raghuram Rajan, former Governor of RBI, and Dr. Richard H. Thaler, the 2017 recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his
contributions to behavioral economics.
Harris School of Public Policy:
The Harris School of Public Policy is leading the way to smarter decision-making and better policymaking, training a new generation of leaders who are driven to change the world and know that making a social impact requires fresh thinking and different approaches. Harris is committed to contributing to thought leadership in South Asia and students from South Asia account for one of their largest international student populations. We offer Master’s Programs in Public Policy
(https://harris.uchicago.edu/academics/degrees) and short duration programs in public Policy (https://info.harris.uchicago.edu/credential-programs).
Course name : Data and Policy Summer Scholar Program
Course Fee : The course fee is $4,500. A scholarship of $800 is available for nominated students,
staff, and alumni from SPPU.
About the Course: The Data and Policy Summer Scholar Program (DPSS) is a seven-week fully virtual
program that provides the opportunity to connect rigorous data analytics with cutting-
edge policy implementation. It is a part-time program requiring a commitment of 10-
15 hours per week. No prior experience or coursework is required for this program.
The virtual format allows students to engage with asynchronous (pre-recorded)
lectures for Data Analytics and R Programming delivered via weekly video modules.
Live virtual office hours with faculty and teaching assistants are available.
For whom and Takeaway: This mode is ideal for working professionals and students around the world, watching
lectures and learning at your own pace. The course highlight includes: learning R
Programming, collaborating on a capstone research project, policy seminars, and
mentor group with the UChicago faculty.
How participants have benefitted from the course:
- Deep dive into evidence-based policymaking
- Develop data skills pertaining to specific policy areas
- Enhance your resume
- Explore and prepare for post-graduate school
- 100+ alums have become students at the University of Chicago in the last 3 years
Connect with UChicago networks
- For successful alumni story, you can visit here - https://harris.uchicago.edu/news-events/news/student-profile-meera-trivedi-dpss20
Session dates:
1. Session One: June 13 - July 31, 2022
2. Session Two: July 25 - September 10, 2022
Application deadlines:
1. Session One: May 3, 2022
2. Session Two: May 3, 2022
To learn more:
For Program details and curriculum: https://info.harris.uchicago.edu/summer-scholar-program/program-details?hsLang=en
Contact: harriscredential@uchicago.edu
Name: Sakshi Parihar
The University of Chicago Center in Delhi: 011 6619 0200